Rompope Fizz Cocktail
Put a FIZZ on a Rompope (Eggnog) cocktail and it brightens your day or evening.
Put a FIZZ on a Rompope (Eggnog) cocktail and it brightens your day or evening.
Baked rice is a great accompaniment to your special meal in the December Holiday season. I’ve been surprised to receive compliments for this very simple rice recipe.
Tired of Turkey Left-Overs? Eat tacos in the style of Nuevo Leon. Grilled skirt steak, flour tortillas and salsa.
Easy preparation for (days after) Thanksgiving Day (turkey leftover meat). Downsizing this holiday? Buy turkey thighs for this recipe.
A recipe of shrimp in a richly flavored tomato sauce is an quickly prepared dish. Omit the spiciness and still have a highly flavored quick meal. Don’t forget to serve with crust baguette.
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