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Tequila Martini

Tequila Martini

I love a dry vodka martini but 15 years ago I discovered the Tequini. Paco, the bartender, at Restaurante Punta Morro in Ensenada Mexico, gave me his recipe and now it’s a favorite drink when I want a change of pace from drinking my tequila straight-up.

Did you know that the agave plant is harvested after 7 to 12 years of growth?   In my opinion, it seems ruinous to mess with the characteristics of the terroir, aromatics and taste of tequila by adding excessive cocktail ingredients and sugar to a 100% agave tequila.  If your tequila bottle does not say 100% agave it’s probably 51% agave and 49% cane alcohol so use this for your margaritas and save a few bucks.  This recipe maintains the integrity of the tequila because it only uses a kiss of other ingredients. Always use a 100% agave tequila for this recipe. I prefer blanco / plata.


2 ounces 100% agave tequila blanco / plata, per serving


Frozen martini glasses

Splashes of white vermouth

Splash of cointreau or triple sec or scotch whiskey (that’s right – scotch)

Twist of fresh lime

Optional: jalapeño stuffed green olives in lieu of twist

Fill half a cocktail shaker with ice and pour in the tequila, cover and shake vigorously to get it real cold, then set aside.  Swirl enough vermouth in each frozen glass to rinse the sides, then empty the glass.  Pour the tequila through a strainer into the glass and top it with 3 drops of liqueur and ever so lightly swirl the glass.  Add a twist of lime and serve immediately.

Notes: Paco’s recipe uses scotch but he approved making it with Cointreau and in each case he insisted on just a few drops.  I usually don’t keep scotch in my liquor cabinet but my wife Dolores likes margaritas so I do have triple sec.  I prefer a  lime twist but in a pinch use lemon. Jalapeño stuffed olives are great but rinse out the vinegar prior to adding them. Salud!!!

