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Sangría de Frutas

Sangría de Frutas


The name of this deep red wine punch is derived from the Spanish word for blood. When made with white wine, it becomes sangria blanca but it can be made with a rosé wine too. I’ve adapted the recipe from the “Napa Valley Cookbook”, (James McNair, author) because it uses peaches and nectarines which are now in the peak of their season.

I used a Spanish Tempranillo wine but you can use a Merlot, Zinfandel, Chardonnay or Chenin Blanc.


Sangria on Ice





2 bottles wine (750 ml each)

2 cups freshly squeezed orange juice

¼ cup freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice (lime preferred, less acidic)

½  cup orange liqueur

½ cup brandy (optional)

1 orange thinly sliced

1 lemon thinly sliced

1 lime thinly sliced

Sugar optional

1 cup raspberries and/or blackberries  ( You can substitute with grapes)

1 cup each sliced peaches and nectarines. (You can substitute with cantaloupe/apples)

Ice cubes for serving


Sangria Ingredients


In a bowl or large pitcher, combine the wine, fruit juices, liqueur / brandy and citrus slices.  Add sugar to taste if the mixture is too tart.  Cover tightly and refrigerate until well chilled — at least 3 hours or overnight.




Sangria de Frutas

Reserve ½ cup of berries for topping each serving. To keep fruits fresh and crisp, add the peaches, nectarines and half the berries to the chilled pitcher  30 minutes before serving . Add ice to tumblers or wine glasses then pour-in the sangria and top with berries.
