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Empanadas de Guayaba (Guava)

Empanadas de Guayaba (Guava)

You may not find guava fruit paste in your local supermarket, but check out Mexican markets or specialty stores. Even if they don’t have the raw fruit, you’ll probably find a variety of other products: jams, juices, sauces and syrups especially. For this recipe I used Guava paste that comes in a solid block.  I also used it to make a glaze for grilled grilled shrimp.



Makes 2 dozen empanadas


8 oz of guava paste

8 oz creme cheese

1 cup water


2 cups all purpose flour

¾ cups cold shortening

1 tablespoon sugar

1 teaspoons salt

1 teaspoon vinegar

¼ cup water

1 egg



Dough Preparation

Combine the dry ingredients and cut in the shortening until crumbly.  In a separate bowl, mix the wet ingredients, add to the dough and knead 4-5 minutes.   Press the dough together to form 2 balls then wrap in plastic and refrigerate for 1 hour. 

Empanada Assembly

Roll out each ball into a very thin circle. Cut out a 5-6 inch circles with a cutter or cup. Place ¼ inch thick slice each of cream cheese and guava paste of filling in center of each; fold dough in-half to enclose filling and form a half moon. Seal edges by crimping with fork.  Brush tops with egg wash before baking to help the crust brown better.


Bake at 375ºF for approximately 20 minutes or until golden brown. 




You can substitute guava paste with membrillo (quince) paste. Membrillo from Spain is commonly sold in gourmet shops.

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1 Comment

  1. Thank you!! Looks delicious 😋
    I’ll definitely be making these!!