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Pollo al Estilo Yucatan

Pollo al Estilo Yucatan

The attraction of this dish is the brilliant color and distinctive flavor of the condiment Achiote, the spice that defines the flavors of Yucatan.  It’s of Mayan origins and was widely used in their kitchen and painting.

Achiote is the Mexican name for annato (seeds of a tree) and is native to the tropical areas of the Americas, including the Caribbean and Mexico. It’s used for the vibrant red color and to enhance the flavor of dishes due to its slightly sweet and peppery taste.  It;s aroma is best described as nutty, peppery, and floral. It comes in several forms, including powder, paste, liquid, and as an essential oil.  It’s also used industrially as a color pigment in many non-food products.

Let’s get started.




Serves 4

2 tablespoons equivalent of achiote powder, paste or seeds

1 cup fresh orange juice

5 cloves garlic

¼ white onion

2 teaspoons salt

4 boneless chicken thighs




Make a marinate.  Add achiote, orange juice, garlic, onion and salt in a food processor or blender and  liquify this ingredients.  Marinate the chicken for 30 minutes. 


Grill about 4-5 minutes per side or until a temperature of 165ºF.  Serve with white rice with green peas.




Try enhancing this recipe with additional spices and herbs such as coriander, cumin, clove, allspice, or oregano, to meats, fish, and poultry.  Achiote is not spicy so if you want “hot”, I recommend the preferred pepper of Yucatan –  Habanero.  Achiote is commonly found in Mexican markets in seed, powder and paste form. 

Buen Provecho