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Pomegranate Habanero Salsa

Pomegranate Habanero Salsa

I decided to separate this salsa recipe from previous posting because it’s a hidden gem and it’s so flavorsome.  The other recipe post is “Carnitas Tostada with Unique Pomegranate Habanero Salsa”.  Pomegranate is slightly sweet and tart; a subtle sweet and sour note and the habanero pepper presents a floral aroma.  This salsa is very unique from the array of other Mexican salsas.

Pomegranates were introduced in Mexico in 1792 by the Franciscan Order of priests at the time Spaniards ruled there.  The fruit is very rooted in Mexican cuisine primarily for garnishes, beverages and fresh fruit. 

Habanero peppers are super hot and for most peppers, you can remove the seeds and pith and it’s effectively “de-clawed.” For habaneros, they still have a lot of heat even after you remove the pith.  My recommendation is to add habaneros peppers in increment amounts until you reach an optimal amount for your taste.

Let’s get started.


2 cups pomegranate juice

2 small habanero peppers seeds and veins removed then roasted under broiler Warning – really hot peppers

1 large red bell pepper roasted

1 clove garlic

2 teaspoons apple vinegar




In a sauce pot boil, the pomegranate juice and reduce it by half and allow to cool.  

Habanero and bell pepper – remove the stem and cut each pepper in half.  Scrap out the pith and seeds.  Roast the peppers shell skin side up on a tray under the broiler until the pepper skins are charred; roast the clove of garlic with the peppers.   Scrap the charred pepper skins with a knife.  

Using a bender, liquify the bell pepper, garlic. pomegranate juice and a third of the habanero.  Taste for chile-heat and add additional amounts of habanero incrementally to your preference. I like it on tostadas, tacos, fish and chicken.


Pomegranate molasses is an alternate source for cooking.  Molasses is made by boiling to reduce the pomegrantejuice to a syrup.  It’s very available on Amazon and mediterranean stores. 

Buen Provecho

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